Assessment Extensions


In cases when a Student fails an assessment and you allow a reassessment or an extension to give the Student a chance to pass the assessment, Paradigm supports your process by providing you with an avenue where you can record your reassessment or extension details until the Student can finally pass the assessment.

Add an Extension or Reassessment

  1. Load the Student record, see Search a Student record.

  2. With the Student Summary record loaded, go to the UNIT ENROLMENTS section. Click the ACTIONS button against the Unit Enrolment (where the assessment that you want to add an extension or reassessment belongs to) and select the Assessment option.

  3. In the EDIT ASSESSMENT RESULTS section, click the EDIT button (pencil icon) against the Assessment Type that you are giving an extension

adding an extension to a Project Presentation Assessment Type
  1. Fill out the required information. Refer to the Assessment Extensions Fields Record Type for a description of each field.

    Fill out the following fields (as required) to record the Extension or Reassessment Details:

    • Extension Date To

    • Extension Request Approved By

    • Extension Request Approved On

    • Penalty Type

    • Penalty Amount

    • Notes

  2. Click the UNIT EXTENSION button to save your details.

Record the Extension or Reassessment Grade

  1. To record the extension or reassessment grade, refer to the same steps from 1-3 on the above workflow.

  2. Fill out the following fields (as required): Refer to the Assessment Extensions Fields Record Type for a description of each field.

    • Submission Date

    • Submitted for Grading

    • Received By

    • or Other

    • Raw Mark

    • Awarded Mark

    • Awarded Grade

    • Assessed By

    • Awarded Date

    • Return Date

    • Hours Attended

    • Reassessment Date

  3. To save the recorded reassessment grade, simply click the SAVE RESULT button. If you intend to include it in the calculation and update the Unit Grade, opt for SAVE RESULT/AUTO UPDATE GRADE instead.

Tutor or Staff Access

  1. If you are logged into Paradigm with a Tutor or Staff Permission Level, to add an Assessment Extension navigate to your Dashboard menu under the MY CURRENT YEAR'S SCHEDULED UNITS. Click the ACTIONS button against the Scheduled Unit and select the Edit Class Assessment Results option.

  2. In the SCHEDULED ASSESSMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH UNIT section, click the ADD RESULTS button against the Assessment Type where you want to add the extension.

selecting the Add Results button of the Assessment Type where the extension is to be added
  1. Click the EDIT button (pencil icon) against the Student name to whom you want to add the reassessment or extension.

adding the reassessment or extension details against a Student
  1. Refer to Steps 4-5 in the above workflow to record the rest of the details.

Last updated