Leave of Absence


This feature replaces fields within the Course record and allows leave instances to be tracked for periods from one day (Medical Certificate) to long-term leave. Multiple leave types can be recorded so that existing records are not overwritten and historical data is preserved.

Create a New Leave of Absence Record

  1. Load the Student record, see Search a Student record.

  2. With the Student record loaded, navigate to the Student > Course Enrolment > Course menus on the side.

  3. In the COURSE ENROLMENT LIST section, click the ACTIONS button against the Course where you want to apply for leave and select the Edit Leave option.

  1. Click the ADD NEW button under the PROGRAM ENROLMENT ABSENCE LIST section.

  1. Enter the required details of the leave of absence information and click the SAVE button.

The items in the dropdown list of the above-numbered fields can be customised via the Edit Code Items menu under the following Code Type IDs:

  • (1) Reason

  • (2) Absence Type

  • (3) Status

  • (4) Staff Member Approved

  1. Go to the ASSOCIATED FILE ATTACHMENT section if you need to attach files related to the leave of absence record that you have just created.

Edit a Leave of Absence Record


A new method for editing a leave of absence record is now accessible on your site through the Student Summary screen. Please check below for the details.

  1. Follow steps 1-3 in the workflow above to navigate to the Leave screen.

  2. In the PROGRAM ENROLMENT ABSENCE LIST section, click the EDIT button against the record that you want to edit.

  1. Edit the required information and click the SAVE button to save your changes.

  1. Follow steps 1-3 in the workflow above to navigate to the Leave screen.

  2. In the PROGRAM ENROLMENT ABSENCE LIST section, click the PRINT button against the record that you want to print.

  1. Click the SAVE AND PRINT REPORT option to produce a PDF file of the report. Note that this workflow assumes that the leave of absence report has already been customised specifically to your institution. If this is not the case yet, raise a support ticket detailing your leave of absence format.

Add a File Attachment to a Leave of Absence Record

  1. Follow steps 1-3 in the workflow above to navigate to the Leave screen.

  2. In the PROGRAM ENROLMENT ABSENCE LIST section, click the EDIT button against the record that you want to add the attachment to.

  3. Go to the ASSOCIATED FILE ATTACHMENTS section and click the ADD FILE ATTACHMENT button.

  1. Enter the required attachment information, upload the file, and click the SAVE FILE ATTACHMENT button to save it against the leave of absence record.

Add Leave Summary to Student Summary Screen

Enable this feature with the Form Field ID: studentSummary_activeLeave, see Edit Form Fields.

Once you enable this field for specific permission levels, the ACTIVE LEAVE section will be accessible on the Student Summary screen, offering a comprehensive view of all leaves associated with the student's Course Enrollment records. This feature will also streamline your ability to edit both the Course Enrollment and Leave details.

Last updated