Manage Student Requests


The following workflows are designed for Full Admin users or Staff members responsible for reviewing or approving student requests.

If you use the Student Requests screen for the first time, refer to this page to configure the feature.

Create a New Request

Administrators of Paradigm with access to student records can create requests on behalf of students.

  1. Load the student record and navigate to the Student > Summary menus on the side.

  2. There are two ways you can access the Student Request page as a Full Admin user:

    • In the Student Summary screen, go to the STUDENT REQUEST LIST section at the bottom of the page and click the NEW REQUEST button.

    • Navigate via the Student > Student Requests menu on the side.

creating a new request
  1. In the CUSTOMER REQUEST section, fill out the necessary details. Refer to the following field description as your guide. Fields with * are mandatory:

    • Program* - Select the student's enrolled program where you want to associate the request

    • Name* - Title of the request

    • Description - Add a brief description or additional details of the request

    • Customer Request Date - You can set the date when the request is made

    • Response Due Date - Option to set due date as to when the request is applicable

    • Request Type* - Select one from the available types of request

    • Category ID* - Select the applicable category from the list

    • Status - You can set the current status of the request

    • Request Priority - The priority of the request can also be set

customer request form
  1. Click the SAVE CUSTOMER REQUEST button.

Add Attachments to a Request

Should your request necessitate an accompanying attachment for completion and subsequent return, or for review please proceed to attach the required document by following the instructions below.

  1. After a request has been created, navigate to the ASSOCIATED FILE ATTACHMENTS section and click the ADD FILE ATTACHMENT button.

    • To attach a file to an existing request, locate the request you wish to edit in the CUSTOMER REQUEST LIST section, and then proceed to edit the request to add the file.

  2. Fill out the required fields and upload the file in the Upload File field. Fields highlighted in RED are mandatory.

adding an attachment to a request
  1. Click the SAVE FILE ATTACHMENT button to save.

Add Student Request Assignment

As a Full Admin user, you have the authority to assign student requests, whether they were made by students or yourself, to the relevant approver or reviewer.

Please follow the steps below for guidance:

  1. Navigate to the Student > Student Requests menu on the side.

  2. Search for the student request that you want to be assigned. Set your search criteria and click the SEARCH button.

setting the search criteria and clicking the SEARCH button
  1. Click the EDIT button against the request that you want to assign.

clicking the EDIT button against the request to be assigned
  1. In the ADD CUSTOMER REQUEST ASSIGNMENT section, choose the Role Type ID for the person you wish to authorise for request approval or take action on the request made. Next, select the individual and proceed by clicking the ADD ROLE button.


You can only change the Request Manager Role Type Id. The names visible in the Request Manager Role Type Id dropdown correspond to the contacts associated with the roles configured in the Edit Customer Request Category screen.

  • Request Manager - The person who manages the request and has access to it.

  • Request Taker - The user who wrote down/recorded/initiated or created the request

  • Requesting Party - It will default to the student record where the request is created

assigning a person to approve or review the request

The request will now appear on the assigned person's Dashboard, enabling them to review and set the status as needed.

Add All Managers by Category

To add in the CUSTOMER REQUEST ASSIGNMENTS LIST section the designated contacts' roles specified in the Student Requests Configuration screen, who are authorised to manage the student requests File Upload category,


Add all Managers by Category option to Student Requests: File Upload Category
  1. Click the SAVE CUSTOMER REQUEST button to send the request to all managers in the list.

Review and Set the Request Status

As the manager or reviewer of student requests, upon logging into your account, access the list of requests through your Dashboard menu. Alternatively, you can search for individual student records and review the STUDENT REQUEST LIST section under the Summary page.

REQUEST LIST section under the Dashboard menu of the Request Manager or Reviewer
  1. Click the VIEW icon against the student request that you want to review and change the status.

  2. Download and review the attached completed form submitted by the student.

  3. Go to the CUSTOMER REQUEST section and look for the Status field. Change the status accordingly and click the SAVE CUSTOMER REQUEST button.

setting the request status and clicking the SAVE CUSTOMER REQUEST button

Create a Response Email

  1. Refer to the above workflow to view the request that you want to create a response email.

  2. With the student request loaded, go to the RELATED COMMUNICATION EVENTS section and click the CREATE RESPONSE EMAIL button.

loading the student request and navigating to the RELATED COMMUNICATION EVENTS section to create a response email
  1. With the communication event screen loaded, fill out the necessary fields about your response email under the COMMUNICATION DETAILS section and click the SAVE AND SEND button.

Student Requests: File Upload ConfigurationStudent Requests View LocationsStudent Requests

Last updated