Student Placements


Placements or any professional experiences like internships, fieldwork, etc. your business or institution is providing and requiring your students to undergo are invaluable opportunities for them to explore real-world applications of their learnings. Paradigm will let you record each Student's journey via the Student > Course Enrolment > Experience menu.

Editable DropDown Fields

There are fields in adding a new placement record that is designed as a dropdown list where you can edit the items or options under each. Refer to the Student Placement Fields Record Type for a list of the available fields and if the dropdown field options are editable.

Create a New Placement Record

  1. Load the Student record, see Search a Student record.

  2. With the Student record loaded, navigate to the Student > Course Enrolment > Experience menus on the side.

  3. In the PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE SUMMARY section, click the NEW PLACEMENT button.

  1. Fill out the necessary and required information under the PLACEMENT section. Refer to the Student Placement Fields Record Type for a description of each field.

  2. Click the SAVE PLACEMENT button to save your information.

Attach a File to the Placement Record

  1. Load the Student record, see Search a Student record.

  2. With the Student record loaded, navigate to the Student > Course Enrolment > Experience menus on the side.

  3. In the PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE SUMMARY, click the EDIT button (pencil icon) against the placement record where you want to add the attachment.

  1. After clicking the EDIT button, go to the ASSOCIATED FILE ATTACHMENTS section and click the ADD FILE ATTACHMENT button.

  1. In the EDIT FILE ATTACHMENT section, fill out the fields accordingly.

    Data-Entry Notes:

    • Permission Level - Set this to the minimum access level or security group that can access the file attachment. This will determine the lowest permission level that can access this item. Attachments that are of a confidential nature should be set to a higher level to restrict the number of users who have access to the attachment.

    • Upload File - Click the Choose file button to upload your file

  2. Click the SAVE FILE ATTACHMENT button to save the attachment.


The SAVE FILE ATTACHMENT AS NEW REVISION button can be used if you want to keep track of the revision number of the file being attached to the system.

Edit | Delete | Print Placement Record

  1. Load the Student record, see Search a Student record.

  2. With the Student record loaded, navigate to the Student > Course Enrolment > Experience menus on the side.

  3. In the PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE SUMMARY, click the EDIT button (pencil icon) against the placement record where you want to edit, delete, or print the placement record.

  1. After clicking the EDIT button, go to the ASSOCIATED FILE ATTACHMENTS section.

    • To Edit, edit or update the necessary fields and click the SAVE PLACEMENT button to save your changes.

    • To Delete, click the DELETE PLACEMENT button.

    • To Print, click the PRINT STUDENT PLACEMENT LETTER button.

Last updated