Edit Reports

Full admin users or higher permission-level groups can modify operational and letter reports in Paradigm by accessing the Reports > Report Edit menu. The report properties that can be edited include Report Name, Description, Permissions, Parameters, Status, Type, and Email Template. Refer to the Workflow section below for the details and instructions.


  1. Navigate to Reports > Report Edit menu on the side and search for the report that you want to edit, e.g. type Transcript on the search box to edit the Student Academic Transcript report.

  1. Go to the REPORT PROPERTIES section below and edit the required fields:

    • Report Name - You can edit this to suit your institution's naming convention

    • Description - A description of the report can be edited to further guide your users

    • Permissions - Select the required permission levels that are allowed to access the report

    • Parameters - Option to add more parameters required from your users in running the report. Note that unselecting some of the default parameters might cause the report to break.

    • Status - Set the report to Active if you want them seen under their specific menu, e.g. Reports > Letters. If you want them hidden, or if they are not applicable to your institution, set them to Inactive or Archived

    • Type - You can change their type accordingly to organise your report and access them to the specific Reports menu

    • Email Template - Option to associate letter reports to a default template for instances when the report is sent to a student.

  2. Click the SAVE REPORT button to save your changes.

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