Student Timeline


Within Paradigm, the student's timeline is created upon their record being added to the system. This menu serves as a comprehensive account of the student's activity within the system, including any modifications made to their record by both the admin and the student. Additionally, the timeline allows users to filter activities based on the system functions that were utilised at any point during the student's record lifecycle within the system.


Load the student's record in which you want to check the timeline and navigate to Student > Student Details > Student Timeline menu on the side.

Below are some of the features available on the page that you may find helpful:

Filter section

The list in the 'Filter By' section is determined by the activities or functionalities that have been utilised in the student's record. An example of this is the 'File Attachment' filter, which will only appear if a file has been attempted to be attached to the student's record.

Student Timeline Default Page

When accessing the timeline screen without selecting any filters, the system displays all activities associated with the student's record in chronological order from the most recent to the initial log. To view additional activities, users may click the 'LOAD MORE' button located at the bottom of the page.

Timeline Item Details

The timeline displays each item with the following details:

  1. The date when the activity occurred

  2. A brief description of the type of activity, which can be viewed by hovering over the item icon (e.g., 'File Attachment')

  3. The title or heading of the activity

  4. An option to view or edit the activity if applicable.

Last updated