NAT00100 - Prior Educational Achievement File


The Prior educational achievement (NAT00100) file contains a record for each type of prior educational achievement for a client. A client may have more than one type of prior educational achievement.

Prior Educational Achievement File Structure


  1. Choose Reports > AVETMISS menus on the side.

  2. Find the AVETMISS Prior educational achievement file (NAT00100) file and click the GET REPORT button

  3. Refer to the following parameters when generating the report:

  • Institution: Choose the VET course provider

  • AVETMISS Report: choose 2018 NAT00100 Prior educational achievement (Note: Government has no major updates to the AVETMISS reporting guidelines since 2018)

  • choose 2020 NAT00100 Prior educational achievement, Victoria if you are reporting to the Victorian state government

  • Scheduled Unit Start Date: From and to period, select the reporting year, for example, 01/01/2019 to 31/12/2019

  • Unit enrolment Status: The system has picked a few by default

  • Funding Source Identifier - State Training Authority: leave it blank if you are reporting national training, do not select

  • Report Mode: choose Ultra-fast mode when the option is available. Alternatively, choose the On-screen fast mode option

5. Click the PRODUCE REPORT button after setting the fields mentioned above.

6. In the new page, right-click on the blue hyperlink 'Here is the file' and choose "save the link as.."

7. Save the file to your preferred location

8. Open the file and double-check the file content.


Refer to the report details and the above file structure where you will find out where to fill out the missing information.

Last updated