Can a Provider update the Credit Provider Code drop-down menu if a code is not found on the list?

Sample TCSI Error in Paradigm:


The first step is to confirm your institution’s status code by checking on this government website: Higher education, VET & PIR provider codes and names PDF

Your institution should be listed in one of the RED coded providers' data on the file, as one of the Active Codes. Check your Provider Code information against the available codes in Paradigm. If your code is listed on the government list, and you cannot find your Provider Code in Paradigm, you have the option to raise a ticket to our Support Team and we will add the Provider’s Code for you, or you can follow the instructions below on how to add the code item to your system.

How to Add a Provider HEP Code in Paradigm

(1), (2) Choose the System menu > Search Code Type

(3) In the SEARCH CODE TYPE Form section, enter the code type id β€œHEP_CODE”.

(4) Click the SEARCH CODE TYPES button. This will open the code type details and all items associated with this code type page.

(5) After clicking the SEARCH CODE TYPES button, scroll down and click the ADD NEW CODE ITEM button under the ITEMS ASSOCIATED WITH CODE TYPE Form section.

(6) A CODE ITEM DETAILS Form will appear below, with all the fields that you need to fill out to add successfully your new Code Item. Refer to the guide below in filling out this form. For more details on the definition of each field, refer to this article: Edit Code Item.

  • (A) Code Id – Enter β€œHEP_CODE” here. Make sure that the code you’ve entered is correctly entered similar to the HEP Code in the government file.

  • (B) Code – Copy the CODE number from the Code Id field to this field.

  • (C) Order – Enter a number here – a numerical value that will determine the order this option will appear in the drop-down box.

  • (D) Visible – Select a visibility option. Visible will make the option available as soon as it has been saved as a code item, hidden will save it for a later time.

  • (E) Description – Enter your Trading Name or your institution’s Legal Name here.

(7) Click the SAVE CODE ITEM button, to add the new Item Code.

Last updated