TCSI Error Code - 10097

The Course of Study Commencement Date (E534) is before the Course Effective From Date (E609).

TCSI Error Description

Please check the Course of Study Commencement Date (E534) and the Course Effective From Date (E609). The Course of Study Commencement Date (E534) should not be before the date that the course was active unless the student is a continuing student who is transferring into a recently established course.

Error Logic

If the Course of Study Commencement Date (E534) is not blank (null), then the Course of Study Commencement Date (E534) should be on or after the Course Effective From Date (E609) of the Course Resource Key (UID5).

Paradigm Error Resolution

This error is triggered by a Course Enrolment coded outside the accreditation date of the Base Course record. You need to cross-check these two fields in Paradigm to resolve this error:

  • Accreditation Date (E609) of the Base Course record (Courses > Edit Details, see Edit Base Course Record),

  • and the Start Date (E534) of the student’s Course Enrolment record (Student > Course Enrolment > Course, see Edit Student Course Enrolment).

    Make sure that the date on this record is on or after the date specified in the Base Course Record Accreditation Date.

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