TCSI Error Code - 10125

The Discipline Code (E464) has been reported at the broad (two-digit) level.

TCSI Error Description

Please check the Discipline Code (E464). Where possible, it should be reported at the detailed level (six digits). If this is not possible, it must be reported at the narrow level (four digits). That is, the last four digits must not be '0000'.

Error Logic

If the Discipline Code (E464) is not blank (null), then the last 4 characters of the Discipline Code (E464) must not be '0000'.

Paradigm Error Resolution

To edit the HEIMS Discipline field on the Scheduled Unit Level:

  1. Load the Scheduled Unit, see How to Search for a Scheduled Unit.

  2. Look for the HEIMS Discipline field. Set the discipline field accordingly.

Also, update the field on the Base Unit Level to avoid a repeat of this error in the future:

  1. Go to the EDIT HEIMS DETAILS section and edit the HEIMS Discipline field accordingly.

Last updated