TCSI Error Code - 10160

Inconsistent Highest Attainment Code (E620)/Course Outcome Date (E592)/Course of Study Type (E310)

TCSI Error Description

The Highest Attainment Code (E620) for the course admission is inconsistent with a course completion record previously reported for the student at the provider.

Error Logic

If the Highest Attainment Code (E620) is not blank (null) for the Course Admission Resource Key (UID15) and there is an active Course Admission Resource Key (UID15), active Exit Awards Resource Key (UID46) or active Aggregate Awards Resource Key (UID47) in the database with a Course Outcome Date (E592) that is not blank (null) and a Course of Study Type (E310) of '21', for the combination of Student Resource Key (UID8)/Higher Education Provider Code (E306),

then any Course Admission Resource Key (UID15) with Course of Study Commencement Date (E534) that is later than the Course Outcome Date (E592) for the combination of Student Resource Key (UID8)/Higher Education Provider Code (E306) must have a Highest Attainment Code (E620) in the range from '110' to '420'.

Paradigm Error Resolution

Please check the Highest Attainment Codes (E620) for the current course admission and previous course completion records that have been reported by the provider for the student. The provider has previously reported the completion of a diploma by the student (Course of Study Type (E310) of '21'). If this completion record is accurate, the Highest Attainment Code (E620) for the current course must be in the range of '110' to '420'.

When reporting E620 (Highest Attainment Code field in Paradigm), the government will compare the reported value against courses completed at that provider. In this case, the student has been reported as having completed a Diploma with the end date of that Diploma before the start date of the Bachelorโ€™s degree. As such, it is no longer appropriate to report a value of โ€œ000 None of the aboveโ€ given that your institution has perfect knowledge that the student has in fact earned another qualification that you must choose a different option in the set of allowed values for E620.

Student > Course Enrolment > Student TCSI Edit

Compare this field to the previously reported/completed study โ€“ make sure that itโ€™s not set as None of the above (000), and should be the same or higher (110-524) than the last reported attainment code (see E620 - Highest Attainment Code for more details on the TCSI allowable values).

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