TCSI Error Code - 10387

Attempt to report an inconsistent EFTSL (E339) for the same unit of study in the same Course of Study (UID3).

TCSI Error Description

Please check the EFTSL (E339), Unit of Study Code (E354), Course of Study (UID3), Unit of Study Commencement Date (E600) and Unit of Study Outcome Date (E601). The EFTSL (E339) must be the same for all students enrolled in the unit of study in the same period if they are enrolled in the same course of study. The only exception is for higher degree by research courses, where the Course of Study Type (E310) will be '02' or '03'.

Error Logic

If the EFTSL (E339) is reported through the 'Unit Enrolments' packet for a combination of Course of Study (UID3)/ Unit of Study Code (E354) / Unit of Study Commencement Date (E600)/ Unit of Study Outcome Date (E601), and the Unit of Study Status Code (E355) is '4' and the Course of Study Type (E310) is not '02' or '03', then the EFTSL (E339) must be the same for all such Unit Enrolment records with the same combination of Course of Study (UID3)/ Unit of Study Code (E354)/ Unit of Study Commencement Date (E600)/ Unit of Study Outcome Date (E601)/ Unit of Study Status Code (E355).

Paradigm Error Resolution


Changing the EFTSL at the Base Unit level affects only future Scheduled Units. To update existing Unit Enrolments from before the change, you'll need to delete those enrolments. Then, either create a new Scheduled Unit post-change or, ideally, generate a new Base Unit with the adjusted EFTSL. Afterwards, re-enrol students into the updated unit.

View the unit enrolment's EFTSL value and compare it to the base unit's EFTSL Load - checking the program level of the enrolled program of the unit. The unit enrolment's EFTSL should match the base unit's EFTSL for that program level (Undergrad / Postgrad). This may be a case of a rounding issue, so be sure to check that "0.033333333" matches "0.033333". This needs to be the same value in this student's unit enrolment, as all other students enrolled on this unit for the same start and end date.

To check the Base Unit EFTSL value, go to Units > Unit Details > Edit Details, see How to Edit a Base Unit Record in Paradigm.

To check the Student’s Unit Enrolment Unit EFTSL value, go to the Student Summary Page > UNIT ENROLMENTS section > ACTIONS button > Edit Unit Enrolment. Go to the TCSI INFORMATION section and look for the EFTSL Load field.

Last updated