TCSI Error Code - 10453

Maximum Student Contribution Code (E392) not required

TCSI Error Description

Student Status Code (E490) is inconsistent with the Maximum Student Contribution Code (E392).

Error Logic

If Unit of Study Census Date (E489) is on or after 1 January 2021 and Student Status Code (E490) is '230', '231', '232', '233', '270', '271', '301', '302', '303', '304', '305', '310', '311' or '331', then the Maximum Student Contribution Code (E392) must be blank (null).

Error Resolution

Please check the Maximum Student Contribution Code (E392), Student Status Code (E490) and Unit of Study Census Date (E489). For Unit of Study Census Dates (E489) on or after 1 January 2021, the Maximum Student Contribution Code (E392) must be blank (null) for students who are not Commonwealth supported.

Paradigm Error Resolution

If the student is already enrolled in the units, please follow the instructions below to unset the field:

  1. Load the Unit Enrolment record, see Edit a Unit Enrolment record

  2. With the Unit Enrolment record loaded, go to the TCSI INFORMATION section.

  3. Click the Maximum student contribution code field to show the options.

  4. To deselect the currently highlighted/selected item/value, simply click on it again.

The value has now been successfully deselected.

This will set the value of the field to blank.

  1. Click the SAVE UNIT ENROLMENT button to resubmit the record to TCSI.


The Maximum Student Contribution Code (E392) field can be set by default via the Course Enrolment record (Student > Course Enrolment > Course: COURSE DETAILS section).

Last updated