TCSI Error Code - 10848

Combination of Student Status Code (E490) Field of Education Code (E461/E462) is not valid for the provider on the Unit of Study Census Date (E489).

TCSI Error Description

Please check the Unit of Study Census Dates (E489), Student Status Code (E490), Course (UID5), Student (UID8), Field of Education Code (E461), and Field of Education Supplementary Code (E462). The Provider (E306) is only approved to offer Commonwealth-supported places in courses for specified fields of education (E461/E462) for specified Unit of Study Census Dates (E489).

Error Logic

If the Student Status Code (E490) is '110', '111', '112', '201', '202', '203', '204', '250', '260', '261' or '262' and the HEP Type Code (E621) is not β€˜Table A’ or the Provider Code (E306) is not '3044' then, for that Provider (E306), then

the combination of the [Provider Code (E306) and Student Status Code (E490) and the first digits of the Field of Education Code (E461) or Field of Education Supplementary Code (E462) for the linked Course (UID5) record] must match to row on the Lookup.CSPFOE table where the Unit of Study Census Date (E489) falls within the effective dates for the row

and the Unit of Study Census Date (E489) must fall within the Field of Education Effective From Date (E609) and Field of Education Effective To Date (E610) for the Field of Education Code (E461) or Field of Education Supplementary Code (E462) for the linked Course (UID5)

Paradigm Error Resolution


If you have a CSP funded students, the Field of education code (E461 / E462) needs to be correctly set on the base course, base unit and scheduled unit levels to a category supported by CSP funding, see TCSI for HE for the fields location in Paradigm.

Use Case: Course record Accreditation Date is entered incorrectly or is outside the course enrolments date.

  • If the course record is meant to be reported to TCSI, you have to update the Accreditation Date field (e.g. 02/01/2021).

(1) Load the base course record in question, see Edit Base Course.

(2) Edit the Accreditation Date field under the EDIT COURSE DETAILS Form section.

Base Course record Accreditation Date field
  • If not (not to be reported to TCSI), you have to change the Accredited field value to No, and set the Course of study code and HEIMS Course Code to blank. See the below screenshot on where to find the three fields mentioned.

Base Course record

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