Bulk Push Records to TCSI


To stay compliant, we advise that you enact a policy to regularly check your records that need or fail to push to TCSI. It is recommended that at the end of each calendar week, no records should be showing as failed or needing to be pushed to TCSI. Following this advice will ensure you meet the reporting timeline and deadlines as described by DESE on the TCSI support website.


  1. Navigate to TCSI Reporting > Bulk Push menus on the side. Select the records that you want to check accordingly:

    • Show records that need to be pushed to TCSI - The records that appear here are when a related parent record of the data that was previously invalid or in error, has now been updated and corrected. In some cases, it is not prudent for the system to automatically resubmit all related children's records once the parent values have been corrected. The affected child records wait in this list and this enables you and your colleagues to verify whether any or all of those records are to be resubmitted to TCSI to be validated, or if they are to be left in the list until further information is gained, or further updates have been made to any associated records.

    • Show records that failed to push to TCSI - The records that appear here are that are being submitted to TCSI, and contain at least one field of data that contains a value that is not an allowable value for that field. Paradigm prevents the submission of records where it is determined that TCSI validation will fail because of the value in one of the fields that would be submitted for validation.

      To find out the cause of the error, you will need to load the record by clicking on one of the hyperlinked fields and then clicking the Save button. After saving, an error message will appear at the top of the screen, or fields on the screen may appear highlighted inside a red box. Either of these should provide you with an indication of what the problem is, and how to correct it.

  2. Click the SEARCH button.

  1. Following the Bulk Push: Order of Submitting Records, click the SUBMIT RECORDS button under each group from top to bottom.

  1. Resolve errors accordingly by referring to our TCSI Validation Errors page or directly searching for the error code on the TCSI website.

Last updated