
This page contains links to the workflows related to TCSI Reporting in Paradigm

To obtain an overview of the initial configuration of the Paradigm site for TCSI live reporting readiness, refer to the following workflows:

The following guides will help you with some of the areas of TCSI Reporting in Paradigm where difficulties commonly occur:

We have documented the TCSI Element fields and their locations in Paradigm along with specific details about each data element that can be recorded in Paradigm:

If you are trying to resolve a specific TCSI validation error for your records in Paradigm


Do you have questions related to TCSI reporting? Check the FAQs section where we have collated some of the commonly asked questions on TCSI reporting.


Do you encounter error messages or issues from Paradigm when trying to record TCSI reportable fields, e.g. "No Response", etc.? Proceed to the Troubleshooting section.

Note that errors that are returned from TCSI with a specific error code may already have a recommended solution on our TCSI Validation Errors page.

Last updated