Student Placements Fields

Field Name

Brief Description


Code given to this placement by the institution e.g. First year, Placement 1


How long is the placement? This is a text field - you can type the number for the duration and if it's weeks, months, or years, e.g. 24 months


in which school is the student doing their placement


What grade will the student be doing their placement with? These are code items under the Code Type Id of "PROF_EXP_GRADE", see Edit Code Items.

School Stage

K-6, 7-10, 7-12. These are code items under the Code Type Id of "PROF_EXP_STAGE", see Edit Code Items.

School Supervisor

What is the name of the Supervisor at the School

ACPE Supervisor

What is the name of the Institutions Supervisor

Placement Meeting Attended

Did the student attend the placement meeting Y/N

Placement Meeting Date

What date was the Placement meeting held

Procedure Meeting Attended

Did the student attend the Procedure meeting Y/N

Procedure Meeting Date

What date was the procedure meeting held

Registration Form Received

Has the Student received the Placement registration form Y/N

Registration form Date

What date was the registration form sent / given to the student

Confirmation Email Date

Has the placement officer received a confirmation email from the School

School Confirmed

Did the School accept the placement

School Confirmed Date

What date did the school confirm the placement

Placement Start Date

What date will the placement commence

Placement Completion Date

What date will the student complete the placement

Thank you letter Date

What date was the Thank you letter sent to the School


What gift was sent to the supervising teacher? These are code items under the Code Type Id of "PROF_EXP_GIFT", see Edit Code Items.

Gift Ordered

Has a gift been ordered for the supervising teacher Y/N

Gift Ordered Date

What date was the gift ordered

Gift Sent

Has the Gift Been sent Y/N

Gift Sent Date

What date was the gift sent


Any additional comments about this placement

Associated Enrolled unit

What unit is this placement associated with. Select a unit from drop box with the units that the student is enrolled into

Teaching Material sent Date

Have the teaching materials been sent to the School

School type

What type of School is it DECS, Independent, Catholic,

Associate Home Supervisor

Who is the Student supervisor from the Institution? Contact records with an assigned role of "WE Coordinator" will appear here, see Assign Roles to a Contact

Associated School Supervisor

Who is the Supervisor of this placement at the School? Contact records with an assigned role of "WE Primary Supervisor" will appear here, see Assign Roles to a Contact

Associated Secondary School Supervisor

Who is the Secondary Supervisor of this placement at the School? Contact records with an assigned role of "WE Secondary Supervisor" will appear here, see Assign Roles to a Contact


What is the current status of this placement

Last updated