Assign Roles to a Provider Record

Provider Roles

Roles are assigned to providers as a way of defining the types of relationships they may have with other records within Paradigm. Assigning the correct role to a provider is critically important to ensure that various features function correctly.

The table below outlines the intended use of each role:



Education Provider

Default role assigned to all providers

Educational Program Provider

Associated with course enrolment records (i.e. the campus)

Educational Unit Provider

Associated with base units and scheduled units (i.e. the campus)

Education Agent

Identifies the provider as being an agent for the purposes of student recruitment

Training Organisation

Associated with AVETMISS reporting

TCSI - Higher Education Provider

Associated with TCSI reporting. The Parent Provider record or the Main Provider should have this assigned role.

TCSI - PIR Provider

Associated with PIR reporting. If the Parent Provider record or the Main Provider is a PIR reporting provider, this role should also be assigned.

Training Organisation Location

Associated with an AVETMISS delivery location

Work Experience Provider

Associated with the work experience module

Education Payment Agent

Associated with the agent payment workflow


Allows the provider to be assigned as a diocese against the student record


Allows the provider to be assigned as a seminary against the student record

Communication sender

Allows users to send communications on behalf of the provider using the email address of the provider record. If this role is added to your provider record, your Provider/Home Institution name will appear in one of the From list options when creating communication events, see Add a New Communication Sender

Health provider

Allows the provider to be associated as a provider of overseas health cover within the OSHC module in Paradigm


  1. Load the Provider’s Record that you want to assign a role to by choosing Providers > Search menus on the side. Refer to the workflow on β€œSearch a Provider Record” if you need a more detailed step.

  2. Once the Provider Record is loaded, at the top of the page, an ASSIGNED ROLES FOR PROVIDER Form section will appear. Click the drop-down menu and choose the role that you want to assign to the Provider.

  1. Click the ASSIGN ROLE button after selecting a role from the drop-down menu.

    A Provider record may have many assigned roles. Repeat steps 2 and 3 as necessary for your Provider.

    If you are a TCSI-Reporting Provider, you should have the following main roles assigned to your Main Reporting Provider record:

    • TCSI - Higher Education Provider

    • Educational Program Provider

    • Educational Unit Provider

Last updated