Scheduled Programs
This page will provide you with an overview of how our Scheduled Program records sit in Paradigm and all the fields required when adding a Scheduled Program.
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This page will provide you with an overview of how our Scheduled Program records sit in Paradigm and all the fields required when adding a Scheduled Program.
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Scheduled Programs in Paradigm are the courses being offered in your business or institution with specific criteria that determine which cohort the student course enrolment belongs to. The fields that you can use to differentiate your offering are found in the sections below.
When adding a Scheduled Program, having a Base Course record and the Provider record that owns or offers the course are required especially if the Course is a government reportable one, see Base Course and Provider. The Time Period must also be configured properly, see Time Periods: Add a Scheduled Program Requirements.
The following are all the sections and fields available in Paradigm when you add a Scheduled Program record to the system.
Fields with * denote required fields when adding a new Scheduled Program record in the system.
Scheduled Program Id
Leave this field (system-generated)
Select Active if the intention is to offer or schedule the course or program.
Offer Start Date*
When will the Course be available for application?
Offer Expected End Date*
When will be the last day an applicant is allowed to apply and edit their ongoing applications to the Course?
Maximum Participants
Maximum number of students (enrolments) allowed to enrol to this Course
Minimum Participants
Minimum number of students (enrolments) for the Course to run
Current Participants
Cancelled Participants
Transferred Participants
Leave these fields.
These are all system-generated counts and are applicable once the Course has student enrolment records in the system already.
Course Id*
The Scheduled Program or Course Id. If creating one, select the Base Course record from the dropdown menu – the Course that you want to schedule or offer.
Home Institution*
If you have multiple campuses, select from the dropdown menu the campus location where you want the Course to be scheduled or offered, otherwise leave this field as is, as if you only have one campus, by default, Paradigm will set it to your business or institution’s name.
Time Period
Start Date*
Start Date of the Semester you will run the Course
Expected End Date
Expected End Date of the Semester when the Course is expected to be completed, e.g. "If the Course will start on the Semester 1 of the year 2021 and the Course is expected to run for 3 years, then you can set this field to be on Semester 2 of the year 2023."
Enrolment Status
This will give you the option to set the current status of this particular Course Offering. If the intention is to schedule or offer the Course, you can set it as Applied or Offered. The rest of the statuses are applicable once the Course has been running already (gives you the flexibility to set the status of the Course offering as it goes).
Full/Part Time
Set this field if you want the Course to be studied in either Full or Part Time
Contact Mode
How do you want the Course to be studied? Select from the dropdown menu (On-Campus/Attending, Distance, Online, Multi-Mode, Flexible Learning).
Funding Type
Select the funding type option from the dropdown menu – if you want to set this Course to have a default Funding Type.
Fee Type
Option to set the defaullt fee type to either Standard fee or International fee, depending on your fee structure.
Funding Source National
Click the dropdown menu and choose the appropriate option.
Purchasing Contract Identifier
DEFINITION Purchasing contract identifier uniquely identifies the purchasing or funding contract between the state or territory training authority and the registered training organisation.
CONTEXT Applicable only to training organisations with contractual obligations to state or territory training authorities. Rules are determined by individual states and territories.
Purchasing Contract Schedule Identifier
DEFINITION Purchasing contract schedule identifier identifies a specific program of study to be undertaken as part of a purchasing contract. Purchasing contract schedule identifier is applied to the duration of the contract period, which can overlap data-collection periods.
CONTEXT Applicable only to training organisations with contractual obligations to state or territory training authorities. Rules are determined by individual states and territories.
Funding Source - State Training Authority
Click the dropdown menu and choose the appropriate option.
Notes about this Course
If you want to associate this Course to a specific Contact record.
Allow Online Application
Select Yes if this Course will allow online application enrolment, else, select No
Select subject
Applicant Sessions used for Recall
Relates to the Online Applicant Portal workflow of controlling the applicants from going straight into choosing the audition/interview sessions before the application has been approved. Setting this field to YES will also enable recalled applicants who are required to undergo another session for auditions/interviews. This field is applicable if you are offering a second round of interviews/auditions in your Online Application.
The time period when your course offer falls. If creating one, select the Academic Term when your Scheduled Program starts. Setting this field will automatically fill out the next two fields: Start and Expected End Date, see
Select the required option from the dropdown menu – that you want to make a default value for this field. Click to learn more about this field.
Select the required option from the dropdown menu – that you want to make a default value for this field. Click to learn more about this field.
Applicable for