Send Bulk Communications without Attachment
This page contains instructions on how to send bulk communications without attachments to a bulk list of Students in Paradigm
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This page contains instructions on how to send bulk communications without attachments to a bulk list of Students in Paradigm
Last updated
Paradigm provides a function to send bulk communications without attachments to a bulk list of Students. Your email message can be created as a template for efficiency while the bulk list of students can be generated in various ways depending on the cohort of Students to whom you want to send the communication. Refer to the workflow below for the instructions.
Alternatively, proceed to the next workflow if you want to send bulk communications with a letter or report attached to the communication event in Paradigm.
We have various ways to create a bulk list of students who you choose to be the recipients of the communication event. Choose one of the options for creating a bulk list of students from this page: Create a Bulk List of Students Workflows
When you have created the bulk list of students via any method from the options in Step 1, you will be ready to save a new communication event for your selected recipients.
In the sample screenshot below, the Search Course screen (Student > Search Course) has been used to generate the bulk list of students. You must have already generated a bulk list of students on the screen before you proceed any further toward sending a bulk communication.
You may choose to remove Student(s) from the bulk list at this stage (by clicking the REMOVE or Unlink button on the right β against the student record to be removed) for those students whom you wish to exclude from receiving the communication.
Bulk actions are highly complex to undo. Please ensure that only the required students are included in the bulk list.
When you have finalised your bulk list, choose Student > Communication from the menu options on the side or click the (hat)icon on the top left-hand corner then select the Communication(
) menu. Go to the COMMUNICATION DETAILS section to set up/edit/update your email details.
If you want to add CC or BCC recipients, refer to this workflow: Sending Communications using the CC and BCC Recipients
(1) Enter the Communication/Email Subject that will appear on each communication. Please note that if you're using a specific email template, the Email Subject will automatically adopt the template's name.
(2) Enter the Entry Date.
(3) Set the Communication Status to Sent.
(4) Select the communication template that you want to use, see Manage Email Templates
(5) Edit your message body as you choose.
(6) After completing the required fields and the email body, make sure that the Communication Status field is set to Sent, and click the SAVE NEW COMMUNICATIONS FOR LOADED STUDENTS button.
After clicking the SAVE NEW COMMUNICATIONS FOR LOADED STUDENTS button, it will display all the students under the COMMUNICATION EVENT BULK LIST section with the details of the communication. This will serve as the final confirmation and verification screen for the final list of Students on your list.
Select all the students on the list by clicking on the checkbox in the header section. Remove the student from the list by removing the checkmark on the checkbox against the student or by clicking on the REMOVE or Unlink button.
Click the EMAIL SELECTED RECIPIENTS button. This will now start sending the email to each selected recipient. The status of each email is displayed under the Status column. Check the statuses of the sent emails. Any communications that failed to be delivered will need to be investigated and either resent or posted.
To check the email statuses, you can either go to Student > Communication: COMMUNICATION EVENT SEARCH section or via System > Email Events.
If you need to resend the bulk communication event refer to the Resend Bulk Communications Workflow.