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Students can edit their contact or address information via the Student > Edit Contact Info menu. They can edit five types of addresses on their record: Billing, Residential, Emergency Contact, Employer, and Postal address. More details on these address types and their implications for TCSI-Reporting can be found .
The current addresses that are found under the CONTACT DETAILS section were from the details they provided upon application to your business or institution. If you allow them to edit their address information in the Student Portal, the following workflow applies:
Choose Student > Edit Contact Info menus on the side.
Select the address type that you want to edit.
Click the SAVE STUDENT CONTACT DETAILS button to save your changes. If the Billing and Residential addresses are the same, you can click the COPY FROM PERMANENT/RESIDENTIAL DETAILS button accordingly.
After selecting the address type to edit, edit the fields accordingly. NOTE for administrators that the fields made available here to be edited can be configured, see .