Add API Parameters

The purpose of this documentation is to provide a reference for calling Report Builder reports via the API.

The parameters used in the API URL are specified in the Report Builder in the FILTER CLAUSES section, under the Form Editor tab. You can refer to the instructions below:

  1. Load the Saved Report in Report Builder, see Edit a Saved Report

  2. Once the Saved Report is loaded, navigate to the FILTER CLAUSES section and open the Form Editor tab.

Saved Report Form Editor tab under the FILTER CLAUSES section

The label on the form (Label on form column in the above screenshot) is used to determine the parameter in the API URL. It is important to note that the label on the form should not contain any spaces in order to work correctly. The API will attempt to replace any spaces with underscores. For example, if the label on the form is "Unit Enrolment Status", the corresponding argument in the URL will be "Unit_Enrolment_Status".


GET argument format:

...{{reportID}}?{{argument name}}={{value}}&{{argument name}}={{value}}&{{argument name}}={{value}}

Saved Report Form Editor parameters in Paradigm:

with the parameters specified in the Saved Report:


The {{argument name}} have now been replaced with the Label on form field in the Saved Report's Form Edition tab. As for the {{value}}, set them accordingly.

Last updated