Course Enrolment
Last updated
Last updated
The Student > Course Enrolment menu provides the ability to configure and manage all aspects of a student's enrolment cycle, including course and unit enrollment records, assessments, sessions, attendance, fees, and academic records. This comprehensive menu allows you to tailor your curriculum and enrolment processes to your specific needs.
Here are some of the major sub-menus within the Student Course Enrolment menu and their respective workflows:
The Course menu in Student Course Enrolment contains sections related to the student's course enrolment.
To understand their purpose, review the following sections:
This section shows the student's course enrolment history, including the option to delete courses if necessary. Each record in the list has an ACTIONS button that provides the following options:
Edit - this triggers the loading of the Course Enrolment in the system
Graduation - edit the graduation details
Delete Course Enrolment - if the Course Enrolment has no associated Unit Enrolments, communications, TCSI UID, invoices, etc. deleting the Course Enrolment via this option is possible
Online eCAF submission - learn more here.
Edit CoE - Add CoE to a Student record
This section displays all the Scheduled Programs offered by your business or institution. It allows you to enrol the student in a Scheduled Program and its related Scheduled Units with just one click, see Enrol Students in Courses or Scheduled Programs.
This section enables you to enrol a student in a course(s) while setting specific fields related to their circumstances. The fields available already allow sufficient details to make an operationally viable course enrolment record in the system. These fields may include the start and expected end date, enrolment status, home institution, contact mode, and funding type, among others, see Enrol Students in Courses or Scheduled Programs.
This section is where you can add minimal details to a course enrolment for a student, see Enrol Students in Courses or Scheduled Programs.
This is where you can change the course enrolment details for a student from one course to another course, see Transfer Course Enrolments [the same student].
This section is where you can edit the majority of fields that are directly related to a student's course enrolment, see Edit a Course Enrolment record.
This section is where you can add or edit any of the details relating to the payment of the course fee, see Create a Course Fee Plan.
Refer to the workflow: Attach a File in a Course Enrolment Record
Refer to the workflow: Advisor Reports
Refer to the workflow: Student Review
Refer to the workflow: Course Examiners
The Units menu in Student Course Enrolment displays the student's unit enrolments under the currently loaded Course Enrolment record.
To understand their purpose, review the following sections:
This section displays all the units the student is currently enrolled in for the currently loaded course, along with their Scheduled Unit number, Unit Number, Unit Name (Title), Start Date, Census Date, End Date, Status, Institution, Funding type, Mode of Delivery, and Class Number. You can edit individual units by clicking on the pencil icon or the action button, which has the following options:
ELICOS Certificate - option to print an ELICOS certificate if the unit is for an ELICOS Course
You can also perform bulk actions on unit enrolments, which is related to the workflows here.
These records indicate the course fee units that the student is enrolled in. The workflows related to this section can be found here.
This section lists the course prior credits that the student has been granted. It includes instances where the student is enrolled in a unit as an exemption, as well as cases where a course prior credit packet has been created directly for TCSI submission, see Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Exemptions.
The TCSI Student Loans Packet entries, for students who have accessed HELP loans. TCSI update has added the ability for Paradigm to download the current status of HELP loans received by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).
The loan data is re-downloaded from TCSI every 24 hours for records that meet one of the following criteria:
Unit enrolments last submitted to TCSI within the past 3 calendar days
Unit Enrolments with a census date within the past 6 months
More information about loan processing, including a list of loan status codes, is available on the TCSI Support website.
This section allows for editing student sessions. Refer to 'Manage Session Enrolments' for more information.
This section is where Paradigm admins or users with enrollment access can search for Scheduled Units to enrol students, see Enrol Students in Scheduled Units.
The Units Edit menu in Student Course Enrolment is where you can edit the fees or financial information of the student's unit enrolments under the currently loaded Course Enrolment record.
To understand their purpose, review the following sections:
This section allows you to Edit Unit Enrolments Financial Information - All at Once. The financial information includes Unit Fee, Upfront Payment, Amount Paid, Funding Amount, HEIMS Loan Fee, and Subsidy Amount.
You can also perform bulk actions on unit enrolments, which is related to the workflows here.
These records indicate the course fee units that the student is enrolled in. The financial information that can be edited per the Course Enrolment record of the student includes Unit Fee, Upfront Payment, Amount Paid, Funding Amount, HEIMS Loan Fee, and Subsidy Amount.
The workflows related to this section can also be found here.
This section is for quickly adding course fees to a Course Enrolment record, see Add Course Fees to a Course Enrolment Record.
This section is applicable if you are a provider that also offers health covers to overseas students, see Add OSHC to a Course Enrolment Record.
The total fees, amount paid, total fees due, total discount, and total funding of the Course Enrolment are included in this financial summary section.
The Course Enrolment menu includes various functionalities and features that may be relevant to your needs. Click on the link below to learn more about the following sub-menus.