Preparing the Base Course


This section describes the settings that must be evaluated and set as appropriate, to enable a student to apply for a course, and for the appropriate form sections to appear for that course application. Examples are the field that determines whether potential students will be allowed to submit an online application for this course and specifying which attachments must be submitted by the applicant when applying online. Note that the value of the field Allow Online Application can be overridden by the field with the same name when you schedule this Base Course Record, see Adding Scheduled Programs.


  1. Navigate to Courses > Search menus on the side, see Search a Base Course Record workflow for more details.

  2. Once the Course Record is loaded, scroll to the COURSE APPLICATION DETAILS section, and check your settings for the following fields:

    The highlighted fields are defined as: (see Base Course Record Type for more details)

    (A) Allow Online Application – Set this field to YES.

    • Additional fields to check:

      • Allow International Students - If you are accepting online applications from international students, having auditions/interviews, and will be using the Course Plan for Unit Enrolments, please remember to set this field to YES.

      • Allow Unit Enrolment from Course Plan - Once the applicants are accepted to their Course - if you want them to enrol via the Course Plan, set this to YES.

    (B) Online Application Course Enrolment Required Attachments – Select each of the documents that an applicant must or optionally attach with their application for this course of study. There are two types of attachments that you can control:

    • Online Application Course Enrolment Required Attachments - Example required attachments: Admission, Course Letter, Course AHEGS, Academic Progression, Fee Help Invoice, General, etc. Select the required attachments for the course.

    • Optional Course Application File Attachments - The items selected or highlighted in this field are not mandatory attachments, therefore the applicants can proceed with the application even without attaching them.

  1. Another field value to consider is the Course Level in the EDIT COURSE DETAILS section at the top of the Course Edit page. The Course Level determines which forms or sections will appear when the applicant has chosen a Course of study. See related FAQ: Why are some forms or sections missing after I select a Course?

Make sure that the field is set to the level that is appropriate for this course.

  1. Click the SAVE COURSE button to record any changes to the fields mentioned above.


The changes you just made will not be retrospectively applied to any scheduled programs that have already been created. The changes will apply to any future scheduled programs that you will offer for this course, any previously existing scheduled programs will need to be updated individually for those same changes to take effect.

Quality Assurance Checklist Section

If you are utilising the quality assurance checklist for your online applications, it's essential to enable this section in the Base Course record and customize the checklist according to your assessment needs. Detailed instructions on how to seamlessly integrate this into your online application workflows are available here.

Last updated