Course Examiners Fields
Field Name
Brief Overview
Sample Data
Review Date
Date field (use date picker)
Review Date Completed
Date field (use date picker)
Review Reminders date (The Email reminder to prepare the review)
Date field (use date picker)
The Fee required for the review to take place
Amount Paid
Amount paid to this reviewer as payment for services. Numerical field do not enter $
Payment date (Date payment was made for the review)
Date field (use date picker)
Review date sent (Date work was submitted for review)
Date field (use date picker)
Review panel Name
Mid Term First year Thesis Review
Please enter a description for the purpose of the review
Progress on First stage review
Please enter the outcomes of the review
Text field
James has made good progress for his first stage. He will need to keep in mind the volume of data required for a thesis of this kind and ensure that the data doesn't overwhelm the analysis of the data
Student has been advised the following
Unsatisfactory course progress and provided with guidelines to improve The Importance of attending classes regularly in the enrolled units College Course Progress Policy with the requirement of minimum 50% of satisfactory course progress in each term Consequences of failing to achieve satisfactory course progress that may lead the College to notify DIBP of unsatisfactory academic progress as per the Policy described on Student Handbook
Reason for unsatisfactory course progress
Non Attendance Family Issues Medical Psychological Other
Select Review Template
These are Student Review Templates that are predefined and can be added and edited under the Provider > Add or Edit Content menus, see Provider Data Resources
Please enter any notes about the review
Text field
James has presented some comprehensive data as the starting point for his thesis
Please enter the members of the review committee
Text field
Dr Bob Da Builder, Dr Jasmine Vine, Dr Teresa Green
Action Agreed / Intervention strategies to be implemented
English Language course to support for oral and written comprehension Supplementary assessment/programme Assistance with academic skills such as essay and report writing, meeting assessment requirements and research skills provided by the supervising trainer and assessor Counselling with the Student Support Officer for assistance with personal issues affecting course progress Opportunity for reassessment Changing courses Mentoring by the supervising trainer Referral to external organisations for assistance (by Student Support Officer) Reduction in course load approved by CC Others
Agreed action notes
Text field
We will meet again in 3 months to review James Progress.
Last updated