Bulk Edit Unit Enrolment Records

This page contains instructions on how to edit the Unit Enrolment fields that have been configured to be edited in bulk.


You can update selected fields for each record in a bulk list of Unit Enrolment records, so that each record in the list will be updated with that value for that field. This process requires that you create the bulk list of Students' Unit Enrolments first and edit the necessary fields that are applicable to the records in the selected list.

You can also add notes to the Unit Enrolment records of the selected students in bulk by following the instructions below.

Editable Unit Enrolment Fields

The Unit Enrolment fields that can be edited in bulk are listed in this article Unit Enrolment Record Type that contains the description of each field.

  • Start and Expected End Date

  • Enrolment Status

  • Withdrawal Date

  • Grade Description

  • Published Grade

  • Final Mark

  • Appear on Transcript

  • Unit Fee

  • Amount Received

  • Upfront Payment

  • HEIMS Loan Fee (E529)

  • Funding Amount

  • Subsidy Type

  • Subsidy Amount

  • Agent Commission Amount

  • Agent Commission Amount 2

  • CREATE NOTES FOR BULK LIST section is now available for you to add notes to students' Unit Enrolment records in bulk.


  1. You first need to create your bulk list of Unit Enrolments that you wish to edit, and the instructions are in this article Bulk List Creation

  1. After creating your bulk list of Students' Unit Enrolment records, navigate to Student > Bulk Unit Edit menus on the side.

  2. In the UNIT ENROLMENT FIELD UPDATE section, edit or update the necessary fields. It is important to note that for each field where you provide a value, every unit enrolment will be updated with that same value. When you have updated all fields that you wish to update, click the SAVE ALL UNIT ENROLMENTS button.

  1. OPTIONAL Step: Go to the CREATE NOTES FOR BULK LIST section if you want to add notes to the selected students' Unit Enrolment records.

Saving the fields will apply the specified values to all of the selected Unit Enrolment records from the bulk list.

Fill out the required fields and click the CREATE NOTE FOR UNIT ENROLMENTS button.

Last updated