Scheduled Assessments
This page will provide you with an overview of how our Scheduled Assessment records sit in Paradigm and all the fields required when adding scheduled assessments to a Scheduled Unit.
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This page will provide you with an overview of how our Scheduled Assessment records sit in Paradigm and all the fields required when adding scheduled assessments to a Scheduled Unit.
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Scheduled Assessments in Paradigm are what define the final outcome or grade of a Scheduled Unit. Scheduled Assessments can be added from the defined assessments at the Base Unit level or totally create a new set of Scheduled Assessments at the Scheduled Unit level.
When adding Scheduled Assessments, the Scheduled Unit record is required, see Scheduled Units.
The following are the fields in Paradigm when you add scheduled assessments to a Scheduled Unit record.
Fields with * denote required fields when adding scheduled assessments.
Field Name
Scheduled Unit Name
The Scheduled Unit Name where the assessment belongs
Assessment Code*
The Assessment Code set by your institution.
Assessment Id
Select from the dropdown list
Assessment Name*
The name of the assignment or work required. You can be specific here to make entering grades easier so that the correct marks can be entered against the correct assessment at a later time. e.g. Assessment 1 - Interpretive Dance Essay
Assessment Type*
What type of work is required for this assessment?
NOTE: The items in the dropdown can be customised via the System > Edit Code Items menu. The Code Type Id is "ASSESSMENT_TYPE". Refer to the Edit Code Items workflow.
The following are some of the default assessment types in Paradigm:
Class Work
Book Report
Major Assessment
Minor Assessment
A description of the required work. e.g. "A 1000 word Essay on the origins of interpretive dance and the concept of communication in the early 20th Century"
Maximum Mark*
What is the Maximum Mark available for this assignment? e.g. 25
Minimum Mark*
What is the Minimum Mark required to pass this assignment? e.g.12.5
What is the weighting of this assignment within the whole unit? e.g.25
Start Week
What week is the work undertaken in the unit?
End Week
What is the last week that the work can be submitted?
Sequence Number
The display sequence of the assessment when shown with the other assessments of the Scheduled Unit
Enforce Minimum Mark
Set this field if you want to enforce a minimum mark
Minimum Mark Fail grade
Set this field if you want to set a default grade if the student fails on this assessment
Delivery Mode identifier
VET - Providers. What is the delivery method of this unit and assignment?
Employment Based
Not Applicable - Recognition of Prior learning
Other (none of the above e.g. Print based)
Scheduled Hours
What are the schedule number of delivery or training hours required to complete this assessment? e.g. 25
Vet in Schools
Is this a VET in schools based unit?
A VET in Schools Program
Not a VET in Schools Program
Combination of All Modes
Combination of External and Workplace-based
Combination of Internal and External
Combination Internal and Workplace-based
Do not report
External Delivery
Internal Delivery
Not Applicable
Workplace-based delivery
Assessment Status
What is the status of this assessment?
Active| Confirmed if currently is being used