Sending an Email Required Fields

This page will provide you with the fields related to sending communications in Paradigm

Communication Details Section

Field Name

Brief overview


Communication Request Sender

It will be sent from the email address that is recorded against the user's profile.

Provider record is linked with the student’s course enrolment. Make sure you load the student’s course enrolment first, then you will see the Provider option in the drop-down.

If you want a Provider Name/Home Institution (that is not linked to a student's profile or course enrolment) or to add a specific sender/department in your business or institution to be in one of the options under the From field, you have to add a role to that Provider record as a β€œCommunication Senderβ€œ, see Add a New Communication Sender for more details.


Communication Request Recipient

Who the email is going to

Email CC Recipients

CC to other recipients with their email addresses visible to other participants

Email BCC Recipients

The student and other CC members do not receive the email addresses of the other participants.

Communication name / Email Subject

The subject name/line of the email. Please note that if you're using a specific email template, the Email Subject will automatically adopt the template's name.

Communication Date

Date sent. This date is recorded within the communication event as the sent date.

Communication Type

For Communication Events this is normally set to Email

Communication Status

This will tell you the status of the communication event:

  • Bounced - Receiving Server could not or would not accept the message.

  • Cancelled - Communication Event Cancelled

  • Closed -

  • Email Opened - Recipient has opened the Message

  • Entered -

  • Failure Sending -

  • In-Progress -

  • Pending -

  • Referred -

  • Resolved -

  • Sent -

  • Unknown Party -

Course Enrolment

The Course of Study the student is enrolled in

Communication Template Message

This option will allow the user to select from pre-written email templates. These can be added to or updated once loaded into the HTML writer.

Communication Description / Email Body

This is where the template will be displayed once loaded. Alternatively, this is where the user can write the body of the email to be sent.

Last updated