VSR/VSN Reports


This article outlines the process to retrieve the Victorian Student Number (VSN) report from Paradigm, upload the report to the Victorian Student Register (VSR) and then download the file from VSR. Lastly, you will need to upload the returned VSN file to Paradigm so the VSN field on student details will auto-populate from this action.

Running the Victorian Student Number (VSN) report from Paradigm will generate and submit a report of all pending student registration information relevant to the VSR (Victorian Student Register). This includes the process to retrieve the VSN (Victorian Student Number) for new students.

The Victorian Student Number (VSN)

The Victorian Student Number (VSN) is issued when the student is first enrolled at a Victorian educational provider which is usually when they start in Prep and remains current until the student turns 25 years.

The provider applies for the VSN on the student’s behalf. VSNs are issued to all students enrolled in primary and secondary schools (Government, Catholic and Independent) and to students enrolled at a TAFE or in a funded and/or accredited VET course at a Registered Training Organisation.

VSNs are nine-digit numbers that are similar to a tax file number, for example, 982567013.


  1. Click on the Report tab on the side menu

  2. Click on the VSR Reports option on the side menu

  3. At the Get VSR Submission section, fill in the Report Period in the field (generally the from and to dates are in a month period). The default course enrolment status values have been selected.

  4. Click the Generate Report for Manual upload button

  5. A new requested record will appear in the Request list section. Click the:floppy_disk: icon at the left edge of the page to download the VSN file and save the file to your local folder.

  6. Upload the downloaded file to the Victorian Student Register (VSR) System.


It may take 1 to 2 business days before the file is updated at the Government Portal and becomes ready for download.

  1. Once the file is ready to export from VSR, login to the VSR system, select and download the file.

  2. Open the downloaded CSV file for editing.

  3. At the time of writing, the first 3 lines of the CSV file contain header information that is included by VSR, and this information is not needed during the import process.

    1. Delete the first three lines from the CSV file, so that the column headings appear on row 1, and the data begins from row 2 onward.

    2. It is not sufficient to delete the contents of the first three rows and leave the cells blank.

    3. The column headings must begin on row 1, and the data must begin on row 2.

  4. Save the CSV file, ensuring that the file format remains as a CSV file, and acknowledge any warning messages.

  5. In Paradigm, click on the System tab in the menu, and choose the Import Wizard option.

  6. In the Saved Import Profiles field, choose the 'VSN Data Import' profile and click the Load Profile button.

  7. The Files To Import section contains:

    • Import Profile Name, leave this unchanged,

    • the Import Description field shows that the input file type expected by the profile is a CSV file, and then shows the column names and the order that they are expected to appear in the CSV file, leave this unchanged,

    • the Import Type appears as HELP, leave this unchanged

    • the field labelled Help below Import Type, contains the Browse button, where you should select the CSV file that you updated above, removing the header information.

    • place a tick in the box to import multiple lines from the file.

    • Leave the 'Upload File' field unchanged, and leave its corresponding box unticked.

    • Click the UPLOAD FILES button.

  8. The Import CSV Data section contains the mapping of ONLY the data that is to be updated. Along the first row, the Paradigm Field column that shows VSN maps to the CSVcolumn with the heading of VSN, and all remaining fields to the right will show example data that is to be updated. All other rows should show 'Select Field' for the value in the Paradigm Field column.

  9. Click the Save Column Bindings button

  10. The Existing Record Search section defines which records to update, based on the 'what to update' that was specified at point 8. Under the Add Group label, the first Paradigm field should show 'Student:studentNumber', the Import File should show 'HELP' as shown in point 7 above, and the Import Profile field should show 'ProviderStudentID'. If this is not the case, please make the necessary changes.

  11. In the bottom section of the page, make sure that the chosen option is Only Update Records.

  12. Click the Process Files button.

  13. Download and open the Success and Error log files to confirm whether any further action is needed.

Last updated