Make Form Fields Visible

You have two methods to find the Form Field to make visible:

Method 1: Directly on a Page

  1. To make a form field visible directly on a page, go to the page with the relevant record type. For instance, you can access the student record's "Old Student Number" field by navigating to (1) Student > (2) Student Details > (3) Add New.

  2. Find the Form Field you want to make visible, such as "Old Student Number," within the STUDENT DETAILS section of the page. (4) Click the Show Hidden Fields menu - this will show the hidden fields under that record type or page, (5) click the Edit Labels menu, (6) then select the information icon next to the form field, and (7) choose Edit Form Field.

  3. The Edit Form Field screen opens in the new tab. Proceed below to make the field visible.

editing the form field "Old Student No"

Method 2: Searching the Form Field ID via the Form Fields Edit Menu

  1. Navigate to System > Form Fields Edit from the menu.

  2. (1) Enter the Form Field Label Id, in the Label ID field. For example, if you want to make the "Old Student No" field under the student record type visible, enter 'student_oldStudentNumber' in the search field. (2) Click the SEARCH button.

  3. (3) Click the EDIT button next to the Form Field ID you want to make visible. If you're searching using keywords and find multiple Form Field IDs, make sure to edit only the one you need. Form Field IDs usually have a prefix that shows their record type, like student_ for student-related labels. If you're not sure which one to edit, contact our Support Team for help.

  4. The Edit Form screen opens in the new tab. Proceed below to make the field visible.

searching for the form field Id to make visible

To make the form field visible:

  • Check the boxes next to the desired Permission Levels individually.

  • To make the field visible from all permission levels, click the TOGGLE ALL button in the Visibility column to put all checkmarks.

making the form field student_oldStudentNumber visible for all permission levels

Save your changes by clicking the SAVE FORM FIELD button.

Last updated