Edit Status Items

This page will provide you with an overview, key concepts, and workflows related to managing editable Status Items in Paradigm


Status Items are the statuses displayed in a drop-down status menu you see in Paradigm User Interface (e.g. Enrolment and Student Record Statuses). These are categorised into types that reflect the full set of possible states a status field has been defined and assigned. This knowledge article will provide a detailed workflow on how you can search, add, edit, and hide Status Items in Paradigm.

Key Terms and Concepts

What is a Status Type

From the Paradigm User Interface perspective, it is the heading or the title of the field that requires a status input. In the example below, “Enrolment Status“ is the Status Type.

What are Status Items

From the Paradigm User Interface perspective, it is the list of statuses under a given group of statuses we refer to as the “Status Type”. In the example screenshot above, “Applied”, “Audit”, “Completed”, and “Confirmed”, …., are the Status Items in an Enrolment Status Type.

More details on how the Enrolment Status Type and its Items in Paradigm works can be found here.



The Unit Enrolment and the Course Enrolment share the same list of possible status codes (status type of “ENROLMENT_STATUS”). This is an intentional system design decision on the basis that any status that is appropriate to be assigned to the course status is also appropriate for the unit, as one is a subset of the other.


Status items are categorised into types that reflect the full set of possible states that a specific field may be assigned. For example, there is a defined set of possible states that may be assigned in the enrolment status field of a student course enrolment.

The key status codes used across the main system include Person, Course, Unit, Course and Unit Enrolments Statuses.


Providers may add and retire status item options as necessary to meet their internal naming conventions or business requirements. However, some status items have special significance in the system and we recommend seeking advice before making changes to those status items.


(A) Search a Status Item

If you know the exact Status Type Id or a keyword of the status that you want to search, you can do so by typing in the Status Type Id field and click the SEARCH STATUS TYPES button. However, if you want to search for all the Status Items [to be displayed], follow the instructions below.

  1. Choose the System menu > Search Status Type > Click the SEARCH STATUS TYPES button.

A list of all Status Types will be displayed. You can filter your search by typing a keyword of the Status Type that you want to search in the Filter Box or in the Status Type Id field again.

  1. Select the Status Type of the Status Item that you want to search under the Status Type ID column.

selecting the Enrolment Status Type
  1. An “ITEMS ASSOCIATED WITH STATUS TYPE Form below will then appear showing all the Status Items of the Status Type that you’ve searched.

Showing the Status Items under the selected Status Type - ENROLMENT_STATUS

After selecting the ENROLMENT STATUS as the Status Type to search, a form like the above will appear showing all the status items under that type.

(B) Add a Status Item

  1. Follow the same instructions as above on how to “A. Search for a Status Item”, to search for the Status Type where you want to add your new Status Item.

  2. Once you’ve found the Status Type and its associated Status Items, click the ADD STATUS ITEM button.

Adding another Enrolment Status Item
  1. An EDIT STATUS ITEM DETAILS section will appear below, with all the fields that you need to fill out to add successfully your new Status Item.

    Refer to the guide below in filling out this form.

    • Status Id – Refer to your institution’s naming convention for your Status Items. The best way to check the format is to check the previous Status Items on the list and follow the same format. The suggested format should be, as in the sample form above, STATUS_TYPE_ID_TITLE. The letters are all in uppercase. Use underscore in place of spaces.

    • Status Type Id – This is the Status Type ID to which your newly created Status Item will belong. In the example above, it will be under the Unit Status type.

    • Status Code – Copy the Status Id field to this field. We recommend making the Status Code field the same as the value of the Status Id field.

    • Sequence Id – Enter a number here – a numerical value that will determine the order this option will appear in the drop-down box. Prefix any single-digit number with a zero. Any order number entered below 10 should start with a zero. e.g. 01, 02, 03, etc.

    • Description – Enter a description. This is the text to be displayed on the user screen, this field/data can have a bit more detail.

    • Visible – Select a visibility option. Visible will make the option available as soon as it has been saved as a code item, hidden will save it for a later time. Hiding an option doesn't remove or re-code it from historical records in the system(for these records it will still be visible), it will just remove it from being used in the future.

    • AVETMISS Program Status Identifier – only for VET providers.

    • If you are adding a status item with TCSI required fields, you might see these two additional fields: TCSI Unit of Study Status Code (E355) and TCSI Course Outcome Code (E599), see How to Map a Status Item in Paradigm to TCSI Allowable Values for the details

A sample Enrolment Status Item fields

(C) Edit a Status Item

  1. Follow the same instructions as above on how to “A. Search for a Status Item”, to search for the Status Type where you want to edit a Status Item.

  2. Once you’ve found the Status Type and its associated Status Item that you want to edit, click the EDIT button on the right.

Editing a Completed Enrolment Status

An EDIT STATUS ITEM DETAILS section will appear below, with all the fields that you can edit for that Status Item. Refer to the guide below in editing this form.


Status items can be edited but not deleted. The order, visibility and description can each be edited.

  • Order – Edit the number here if you want to change the order of the Status Item. The numerical value you’ve entered will determine the order this option will appear in the drop-down box. Prefix any single-digit number with a zero. Any order number entered below 10 should start with a zero. e.g. 01, 02, 03, etc. In the example above, it is set to 03.

  • Description – Edit the description field if you want a new display option for the user to see under this Status Type. This is the "human consumable" version of this data and can have a bit more detail. You can also edit the Status Id and the Status Code fields above if you are editing the description – to match your new description, just follow the same format.

  • Visible – Edit the visibility depending on how you want this Status Item to be seen in the system. Visible will make the option available as soon as it has been saved as a status item, hidden will save it for a later time.

  • If you are adding a status item with TCSI required fields, you might see these two additional fields: TCSI Unit of Study Status Code (E355) and TCSI Course Outcome Code (E599), see How to Map a Status Item in Paradigm to TCSI Allowable Values for the details

(3) Click the SAVE STATUS ITEM button, to apply changes.

(D) Hide a Status Item

  1. Follow the same instructions as above on how to “A. Search for a Status Item”, to search for the Status Item that you want to hide.

  2. Once you’ve found the Status Type and its associated Status Item that you want to hide, click the EDIT button on the right.

Editing a Rejected Enrolment Status to make it Hidden

An EDIT STATUS ITEM DETAILS section will appear below, with all the fields that you can edit for that Status Item. Look for the Visible field. Select the “Hidden” option in the drop-down list to hide the Status Code and click the SAVE CODE ITEM button to apply the change.

Set the Visible field to Hidden will make the item hidden from the dropdown

In the example above, the Status Item “Rejected” will no longer be shown in the dropdown list of the Unit Status Type field.

How to Map a Status Item in Paradigm to TCSI Allowable Values

Some of your Status Items that are used for a Course Enrolment Outcome [E599] and Unit Enrolment Status [E355] need to be mapped to the TCSI allowable values for real-time submission of data. Refer to the instructions on this Workflow: Map Status Items to TCSI Values

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