Link Scheduled Units to a Scheduled Program

This page will provide you with instructions on to link Scheduled Units to a Scheduled Program in Paradigm


Adding Scheduled Units to a Scheduled Program will provide you with a view of a Scheduled Program record with all the Scheduled Units associated with it. This will also make the individual enrolment process considerably faster with a one-click solution. This knowledge article will guide you on setting up the Scheduled Program in Paradigm, associate it with the required Scheduled Units, and enrol a student in a single click.

Prerequisite Record

Prior to following the instructions below, the following is assumed to be true:

  • The Scheduled Program where you want to link the Scheduled Units already exists in Paradigm, see Add a Scheduled Program

  • The Scheduled Units that you want to associate or link to the Scheduled Program already exist in the system and are reported and validated by TCSI, see Add a Scheduled Unit


  1. Load the Scheduled Program where you want to link the Scheduled Units, see Search a Scheduled Program

  2. With the Scheduled Program loaded, go to the SCHEDULE UNIT SEARCH section, enter your search criteria and click the SEARCH UNITS button.

searching for the Scheduled Units to link the Scheduled Program
  1. Click the βž•(plus sign) against the Scheduled Unit that you want to associate with the Scheduled Program.

adding the Scheduled Units to the Scheduled Program

Each time you click the βž•(plus sign) a success message will appear.

It will also be shown in the LINKED SCHEDULED UNITS section above. You have the option to set the default Enrolment Status for each Scheduled Unit and set the Scheduled Unit record status in this section.

linked Scheduled Unit to the Scheduled Program list

To delete or not associate the Scheduled Unit from the Scheduled Program, just click the DELETE (bin icon) button against the Scheduled Unit.

The Scheduled Program and all its linked Scheduled Units will now appear in the students' Scheduled Program List.

Scheduled Program List under the Course Enrolment > Course screen

Enrol via the Scheduled Program List

After linking the Scheduled Units to the Scheduled Program, do you want to enrol a student via the Scheduled Program List? Refer to the Enrol via the Scheduled Program List workflow.

Last updated