This happens when trying to import Unit Enrolment records in the system using an existing Import Wizard profile designed to import Unit Enrolments.
Sample Error Logs:
When the error details are checked, it refers to the Unit Fee.
Although there were error messages after the import, the records seemed to be saved successfully.
Check the Import Profile settings. If it is set to both create AND update records, when the system is unable to find an existing record it will return the following advice:
Paradigm Message Error: Could not load Unit Enrolment details. It does not appear to exist.
When the record does not exist, Paradigm will then attempt to create the unit enrolment. The second piece of what was in the error log above is the outcome of the unit enrolment creation attempt within Paradigm:
Unit Enrolment successful. The fee was obtained by matching 2 criteria. Unit Enrolment successfully loaded.
The first sentence confirms that the unit enrolment was successfully created. The second sentence explains that the system was able to find a suitable fee rule to use when setting the appropriate unit fee for the given student. In the example error log above, the system used two separate fields (2 criteria) to find the best matching unit fee.
Based on the sample error logs above, there is no reason for concern. The messages describe the system as working within its intended scope.
Last updated