Add a New OSHC Provider Record


The OSHC Provider Record in the system is recorded the same way as you add a new Provider record in Paradigm as some Providers are also offering overseas health covers to international students. Additional roles to the existing Provider record will be added or a new provider record will be added completely with the distinct "Health Provider" role assigned.


  1. If the Provider record already exists, search for the Provider record. If the OSHC Provider Record is a new record, create a new Provider record.

  2. With the Provider record loaded in the system, assign the "Health Provider" role to it, see Assign Roles to a Provider Record. Note that if the Provider record is new, you also need to assign the "Education Agent" and "Educational Unit Provider" roles to it.

sample Provider record roles that is also an OSHC Provider
  1. After assigning the roles, navigate to OSHC > Edit menus on the side, go to the OSHC PROVIDER DETAILS section, specify the GST Amount and the Agent Commission Percentage fields accordingly and click the SAVE DETAILS button.

setting the GST Amount and the Commission Percentage of the OSHC Provider
Add OSHC | OTHER FEE Unit TypeAgents | OSHC Finances

Last updated